Mountain Side

500 Bills Ranch Road, Frisco, CO, 80443

Welcome to Mountain Side!

There are two Associations in the community.

  1. The Homeowners Association (HOA) is responsible for all Amenities (Clubhouse, Tennis Courts, Bill’s Ranch Lake) and Architectural Review for the 85 single family homes. A 9-member volunteer Board of Directors serves the HOA. All condominium owners and single family home owners are members of the HOA.
  2. The Condominium Association is responsible for the 201 condo units in 10 buildings, plus the grounds. A 5-member volunteer Board of Managers serves this Association. All condo owners are members of the Condominium Association.

We offer many opportunities to volunteer on committees and community initiatives. Owners do not need to be on the Board to volunteer. Please contact Summit Resort Group or a Board Member (listed on the right side) if you would like to get involved.

Map of Mountain Side HOA

Meetings and Budgets

2025 Upcoming Meetings

Owners Meeting to Discuss Proposed Amended & Restated Governing Documents March 3rd, 6pm via Zoom

Board Meetings are open to all owners. SRG will send a notice with Zoom link for Board Meetings.

  • May 12, 5:30pm

Committee Meetings

Lake Committee, March 10th, 6pm, by Zoom

HOA ACC Meetings are held in the clubhouse at 4pm

  • Working Session, March 17
  • Working Session, April 17
  • Quarterly Meeting, April 28

Annual Meeting -September 21, 2024, 9am

2025 Operating Budgets

Mountain Side Condo Budget 2025

Mountain Side HOA Budget 2025

Architectural Control Committee - Remodel Requests

If you are looking to perform any work on your condo unit or home exterior please review the ACC guidelines below. Completed applications can be submitted to Summit Resort Group.

For Condominium Units
MS Condo ACC Guidelines (2.3) Sept 2023

Mountain Side Condos Exterior Paint Colors

For Patio Homes
MS HOA-ACC-Guidelines-2.3-May-2022

The Town of Frisco also requires documentation for  projects in a Planned Unit Development (PUD). This is submitted with a PUD Minor Amendment Application.


Mountain Side Development Plan with Amendments

Clubhouse Information

All owners have access to the Clubhouse using your key fob (only one issued per home or condo).  If you need a replacement key fob, please contact Summit Resort Group. There is a $25 fee to replace lost fobs.



Clubhouse and Pool Rules Revised March 2024

Clubhouse Facility Use Agreement

Mountain Side Community Weather Station

The Mountain Side community weather station provides real time temperature, wind, humidity, solar radiation, barometric pressure, and rain information for our community.

Current Mountain Side conditions on PWS Weather

Current Mountain Side conditions on the Ambient Weather Network

Bill's Lake

“Outlot A” including Bill’s Lake, is owned by the Mountain Side HOA as an amenity for Mountain Side Home and Condo owners. Owners may access the property for hiking, picnicking, canoeing, paddle boarding, or fishing.  The access point is the spur road off Hunter Circle, up to the bridge. It is marked with a small sign on Hunter Circle, and additional signs near the bridge. There is no access from the property to the bike path or National Forest. All ingress and egress should be through the Hunter Circle spur road access point. There is no parking at the access point. Street parking is available on Hunter Circle.

Lake Rules

Lake Trail Map

The Past at Bills Lake

Condo Maintenance Requests

For after hours emergencies, including lockout service, please call our night phone at 970.470.5252. There is a $175 dispatch charge after hours.

Summit Resort Group charges $65/hour for in unit maintenance and services during regular hours. There is a one hour minimum charge to unlock a unit for contractor or guest access. Please contact SRG 24 hours in advance to schedule a unit unlock. If you are an owner and have locked yourself out of the unit during regular business hours the charge will be waived.

Units at Mountain Side do not have in-unit shutoff valves. There is no charge associated with a building water shutoff. Unless it is a true emergency, water shutoffs are scheduled Monday – Thursday between 9am and 5pm. Please provide a minimum of 48 hour notice to management when scheduling a water shutoff.

Condo Master Key System

All Mountain Side Condo units are required to be on the Associations master key system for emergency access. The master system is managed by Avalanche Lock and Key. Please contact them directly regarding a replacement for your unit lock. 

Avalanche Lock and Key – OFFICE: 970-453-4452 CELL: CALL/TEXT – 970-485-5234

Condo Internet or TV Issues

Basic Cable and Internet are included as part of your HOA dues. If you do not have internet service and need a combination router / modem from Comcast please stop by their location in Silverthorne. They will be able to provide you with the required equipment with your address and unit number.

If you are experiencing a service issue, please call the Comcast Bulk Service Support line at 1 (855) 307-4896.  The customer support representative will be able to pull up the account based on your unit number and address.  If they ask for an account number or phone number, just reply “I don’t know” and you can bypass the system.


Summit Resort Group
P.O. Box 2590
Dillon, CO 80435

Toll Free: 800-944-9601
Phone: 970-468-9137
Fax: 970-468-2556

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